We have been asked about online donation at www.ar-razzaqfoodbank.org
Like most businesses that accept online payments–ours is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization– we use PayPal, which processes financial transactions for consumers.
Funds from your accounts either in your current banking account or your credit card line will be transferred accordingly as per your authorization.
As some donors are not familiar with PayPal method of payment, here’s the step-by-step guide:-
1) First, to make a contribution to Ar-Razzaq Food Bank, go to our webpage marked as ‘How To Donate’
2) Click on the ‘Donate’ button which takes you right onto PayPal login page
3) Enroll on PayPal as it provides free login, and as per its policies, your information is kept confidential and when asked about where the funds are going, please write our email address at
4) As your donation is not considered as a “Sale,” the ‘Friends & Family’ button is the most appropriate where you may choose method of payment as “Gift”
How to locate this button? On the lower part of PayPal page there is an option that says ‘Type of payment.’ One of the scroll down buttons there says ‘More’ — click on that.
Choosing the method of payment by clicking onto ‘Friends & Family’ will allow 100% of your donation be transferred in its entirety by PayPal into our account.
5) Should you decide to click on regular payment marked as ‘Sale’, please know that PayPal will collect a small percentage as fees, and what is transferred to our charity will be less than what you intended.
For example, if you donate $100.00, then, after PayPal takes a cut the amount Ar-Razzaq Food Bank actually collects is $97.50.
6) PayPal allows you to write a note to us where you may declare your funds as zakat or sadaqah or fidyah et al
7) Both sender (you) and recipient (our charity) will get notifications once the transaction occurs
8) Our office normally reply to the notice by sending you an email, and if an address is given we do send to the donor a Thank You-cum-tax reporting letter via USPS snail mail
Inshallah we hope this will help make your online donation easier.
Last, but not least, we at Ar-Razzaq Food Bank thank everyone who uses online donation. Jazakum Allah khair.
May Allah accept your niyah and give you everything that is good in this world and the hereafter. Amin.
Division of expenditures
General Account
Purpose is to cater exclusively to the needs of the under-privileged individuals and families
We launch frequent fundraisers to fulfill the demands of the poor by adding more cash into general account
The funds are used to pay for groceries, which includes zabihah meats if we can afford it
Expense Account
Purpose is to cater exclusively to our operating costs, excluding salary, wages, bonuses, personnel expense account, which are non-existent
Maintenance costs include insurance, utilities, electricity, rent, office supplies, warehouse inventory, telecommunications, computer software, computer hardware, printing, etc.
Alhamdulillah we have managed to optimize the funds generated throughout the year to feed the ones in constant dire straits or the ones befallen with sudden misfortunes despite the uneven and unpredictable turn of economy.
We will continue to do our best to hold onto what is entrusted upon us knowing well that our financials must be scrutinized both by the California State Franchise Tax Board and the US Internal Revenue Service. InsyAllah.
Alhamdulillah by Allah Most Beneficent Most Merciful we are kept afloat when funding gets really tough and challenging. Alhamdulillah Allah Taala answers our dua’a (invocations and supplications)
We appeal to the ummah near and far to help us help others with hopes that together we can mutually rise and shine in Allah’s Eyes. Amin. Amin. Amin. Alhamdulillah hi Rabb-il’aalamin.